Hilltops Choir Inc.

"Sharing the Joy of Singing"

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Around 120 people experienced a night of inspirational music in Murrumburrah’s Ross Memorial Church which left the audience wanting more.

What a privilege for the Hilltops Choir to be part of such an event as the curtain-raiser for the Bach in the Dark  recital.

The talented trio of Rachel Scott (cello), Ben Sibson (percussion) and our very own local identity Deborah de Graaff (clarinet) harmonised for an hour of diverse music in a unique, entertaining way that brought enjoyment to all.

The tea lights showing the way to supper in the hall added to the magical evening.  Audience members were able to chat with the artists, enjoy a variety of cheeses plus local wines, and some delicious CWA slices.

We hope this is the start of many more wonderful recitals.

Photo Caption:  The Hilltops Choir with their rendition of J S Bach’s Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring conducted by Rodney Clancy and accompanied (with harpsichord setting) by local Stewart Bruce.